Thursday, August 30, 2007

Week 11

I really enjoyed this class and being able to explore the different Library 2.0 tools available on the Internet. There are so many tools that I did not know that exist, and many ways of searching for valid data in blogs, rss feeds, and other great web 2.0 products. This has also served me well for helping out patrons with some of their questions about YouTube, MySpace, and other social tools. I would like to learn about different online communities and creating avatars in those communities. I have heard about libraries that have an avatar living in an online community and providing services to that public. I would also like to learn about alternatives to MySpace. Because I have heard there are other types of social networking tools that college students prefer. I thought it would be nice to see what that web 2.0 product is like.


Robin said...

I'm glad you enjoyed this process! There is a lot out there to learn and I'm incredibly proud of everyone who stuck with it and got at least a taste of what's out there! As for the alternatives to MySpace, Facebook is the biggest, most likely. Ask Bobbi about it - she's working on mastering it so that we (as a library) can have a presence there, too.

Bobbi Newman said...

Robin is right, Facebook is the biggest competitor with Myspace right now.

Congrats on finishing the program!